Despite his recent success on the hit Netflix coming-of-age series Never Have I Ever, Darren Barnet is still just a real person who loves ramen, stays up too late, and cries during ASPCA commercials. In this interview, he shares his favorite thing about portraying Paxton Hall-Yoshida and why he doesn’t mind playing a high schooler at his age – “I just trusted the direction of Mindy Kaling.” He also reveals which sign has caused him the most heartbreak, what drew him to an acting career in the first place, and why he vibes with New York more than L.A. 👀 Plus, he describes a recent dream involving Willem Dafoe, space drugs, and a drive to Atlanta.

Check out Darren Barnet’s InStyle Feature:

#DarrenBarnet #NeverHaveIEver #Interview #Celebrity #ThisGuy #InStyle

0:00 Introduction
0:10 Darren Barnet’s Birthday
0:17 Coffee Order
0:27 Favorite Food
0:36 Favorite Movie
0:42 Favorite Place to Visit
0:54 Playing a High Schooler
1:08 Playing Paxton Hall-Yoshida
1:21 Astrology
1:38 When You Wake Up
2:04 Before You Fall Asleep
2:15 Memorable Dream
2:53 Last Time You Cried?
3:05 Do You Believe in Fate?
3:15 Best Phase in Your Life
3:43 Pursuing an Acting Career
4:03 Friends
4:09 Ever Been Catfished?
4:22 Love at First Sight
4:29 Soulmate
4:37 Perfect Date
4:58 Craziest Thing You Ever Did for Love?

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Darren Barnet Shares His Favorite Thing About His Character on Never Have I Ever | This Guy
