On the 67th Anniversary of Disneyland California, TC and Amy take you back through three of their favorite videos highlighting Disneyland’s opening and founder Walt Disney! Come join them for Disneyland a celebration of Disneyland history that you can connect with when you visit today!
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0:00 Intro
1:05 Video #1 Visiting during 1955’s Opening Day
9:00 Intro 2
9:30 Video #2 Finding Walt Disney
21:14 Intro 3
21:46 Video #3 Pirates of the Caribbean narrated by Walt Disney
24:45 Outro
The Latest Disneyland Beat| https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5ymdsjPuHmbS-RveuCWfeKGh2yRIi4x7
Fun Fast Disney Lists | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5ymdsjPuHmYOkBQyn4PpikUeWW7zwN-2
Read and Ridethroughs | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5ymdsjPuHmZzz_de7ee2_HUULWwXEA4i
Finding Disneyland History Series | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5ymdsjPuHmY7DGyLA0zu28sxPIoAHbsH
Animated intro by Jake Koeppe @ JestKartoons
Disney Lost Boys and Girls https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLqAJpN7j4wDLc6Y9543yA
JestKartoons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC82PBB-yWIVZ1Yy5CVuYItQ
All music and sound effects are from You Tube Studio.
The video and image sources we used to make this video are below. We appreciate and admire these channels, please check them out!
Metahelion Disneyland Atmospheres https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlF1iuKWHvw&t=1s
Inside the magic, Tour of Walt’s Apartment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWhbbhw-M8g
Fresh Baked Virtual Tour Disneyland Fire Department https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8wS1K1oq_o
Disneyland (1955) Kingswordfish
Disneyland Voce 1955 Disney History Institute
The Walt Disney Company, Disney Parks You Tube Channel
The Disneyland Beat is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company in any way. Any opinions expressed are those of The Disneyland Beat and do not reflect any other companies or individuals. This video is put together in compliance with fair use under the intention of providing education and commentary to begin an open conversation. Any opinions expressed are those of The Disneyland Beat and do not reflect any other companies or individuals.